DMS-1500E Optical Property Test System for Smartphone and Tablet with Integrated Darkroom Design
DMS-1500 Optical Property Test System for Smartphone and Tablet
DMS-1500H Optical Property Test System in High and Low Temperature
HIRC-3000 Hyper spectral image radiance colorimeter
CX-3 imaging luminance colorimeter
DCA-310 color analyzer (flicker measurement)
DRT-3000 Display response time analyzer
MFL-300 optical performance analysis system for cell phone flash
DCA-310 display color analyzer
LED and LIGHT BAR test
MAT-200D LED LIGHT BAR automatic test system
MAT-2000 LED light bar automatic test system
OST-500 Optical Radiation Test System
BHA-2000 Retinal blue light hazard analyzer
HACA-3600 high precision colorimeter
HAM-300 High acccuracy spectral haze meter