Environment Chamber(size can be designed on request)
該試驗箱依據GB7000.1-2007標准要求設計,可實現對燈具試驗的環境溫度進行控制,採用循環加熱或 冷却室內空氣的方式,採用先進PID控溫技術,使其穩定在設定的範圍內。
環境試驗箱由試驗箱體及制冷- 制熱機組組成。
The test case is designed according to the enquirement of GB7000.1-2007 which can control the test
environment temperature, by means of cyclic heating or cooling indoor air and advanced PID temperature control technology to keep it stable within the setting range.
Environment chamber consists of test case and cryogen & heating unit.
Control & Acquistiion Device for Lamps Durability Test(Multi-channel)
採用PLC集中控制 + 常規低壓電氣控制相結合的方式。 主要完成時間控制、過程和狀態控制,每個被 測燈均可採集判斷情況,故障時報警並顯示故障點時間、具有短路保護功能。
PLC centralized control combined with low voltage electrical control are employed to realize time, process and state controlling for each tested lamp. Alarm and display the failure time when fault exists. It also has short circuit protection function.